Read Qigong Massage for Your Child with Autism A Home Program from Chinese Medicine Free

Looking for Qigong Massage for Your Child with Autism A Home Program from Chinese Medicine ?

Author : Louisa Silva
Publisher : Singing Dragon
Total Pages : 144

Qigong massage has been used in China for thousands of years as a means to achieve health and wellbeing, and to treat a wide variety of ailments. This book teaches parents a simple qigong massage programme that has been developed specifically for the needs of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). With step-by-step instructions and an accompanying DVD demonstrating the technique in action, this book offers parents clear guidance on how to adopt qigong massage into their childs daily routine successfully. The program is based around a core 15 minute massage that, when performed regularly, has been shown to greatly improve mood and behavior, sleeping patterns, and language and social skills. Also included is information on diet, advice on reading a childs body language during massage, and helpful progress checklists. Qigong massage is the ideal therapy for parents looking for an alternative way to strengthen the mind, body and sensory abilities of their young child with autism aged 6 and under.

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